Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fellowships, scholarships offer officers career-broadening opportunities

Officers looking for challenges beyond their military training might want to consider applying for some interesting civilian education opportunities, said Joel Strout, program manager for the Army's Broadening Opportunity Program. The fellowships and scholarships now being offered allow candidates to take their families with them and some even offer interesting travel opportunities, he said. While these opportunities are good for personal development, Strout said they also benefit the Army because they broaden an officer's perspective, and the experience helps them better mentor younger officers. "I've heard nothing but positive feedback from candidates who've been through the programs," Strout added. There are four scholarships and fellowships within the Broadening Opportunity Program. The deadline for application for each is Feb. 28. The General Wayne A. Downing Scholarship, a program for captains and junior majors, provides studies in terrorism and counterterrorism at a top-tier university that's intermediate-level area of concentration accredited, or ILE-AOC. Would-be applicants can find more information in MILPER message 13-362. Also for captains and junior majors is the George & Carol Olmsted Scholarship, a program culminating in a master's-level liberal arts degree at a foreign university. While pursing the degree, candidates can travel around their host country and learn about its culture and economics, Strout said. The program is one of the Army's oldest. It was first offered in the 1960s. Additional details are available in MILPER message 13-363. Ideal candidates for the General Wayne A. Downing Scholarship and the George & Carol Olmsted Scholarship will have had command experience and will have taken the Graduate Record Exam. Two additional fellowships are for senior majors and junior lieutenant colonels.
The Asia-Pacific Center Fellowship for Security Studies focuses on studies in security and is located at the Asia-Pacific Center in Honolulu. Additional details are available in MILPER message 13-360.  The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies Fellowship also offers studies in security and is located in Garmish, Germany. Further details are spelled out in MILPER message 13-361.  Human Resources Command at Fort Knox, Ky., manages the scholarship and fellowship programs. (For more ARNEWS stories, visit http://www.army.mil/ARNEWS, or Facebook at

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Written by David Vergun

Retrieved on 28 January 2014.


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