Monday, June 30, 2014

U.S. Army Air Assault School is a 10-day course

U.S. Army Air Assault School is a 10-day course designed to prepare Soldiers for insertion, evacuation, and pathfinder missions that call for the use of multipurpose transportation and assault helicopters. Air Assault training focuses on the mastery of rappelling techniques and sling load procedures, skills that involve intense concentration and a commitment to safety and preparation.

Most Air Assault cadets will attend Sabalauski Air Assault School, located at Fort Campbell, Ky. Training is broken into three phases, each lasting three days: Combat Assault Phase, Sling Load Phase, and Rappel Phase. On graduation day, cadets will undergo a 12-mile rucksack march. When they complete the march, they will earn their wings as official Air Assault Soldiers.

Air Assault School is necessarily physically and mentally demanding, as Soldiers will be required to handle heavy equipment and perform dangerous tasks under extremely stressful conditions. Successful candidates must possess a keen eye for detail and a dedication to meticulous preparation.


Day Zero

Candidates must successfully complete an obstacle course and a two-mile run before they are officially considered “Air Assault Students”.

Day One

Candidates will undergo a six-mile march, followed by a strict inspection.

Combat Assault Phase

During this three-day phase, candidates will learn aircraft safety and orientation, along with the principles of aero-medical evacuation, pathfinder operations, and combat assault operations among several other topics. Soldiers will be given a written and “hands-on” test following this phase.

Slingload Operations

During the second three-day phase of Air Assault, candidates will learn how to rig equipment onto rotary aircraft with a sling, an operation that generally requires the loading Soldier to hook a tether to the underbelly of a helicopter hovering just a few feet above the ground. Typical loads can range anywhere from 1,000 to 8,000 pounds.

This operation is extremely precise, and requires intense preparation and concentration from all Air Assault team members. Trainees must pass a written and hands-on test before moving to the next phase.

Rappelling Phase

In the third and final three-day phase of Air Assault training, Soldiers receive basic instruction on ground and aircraft repelling procedures. By the end of the phase, trainees must complete two repels from a 34-foot tower and two repels from a UH-60 Blackhawk, hovering at 70-90 feet.

Graduation Day

Soldiers must complete a 12-mile foot march in full gear plus a rucksack in less than three hours.

Graduates are awarded the Air Assault Badge and the 2B ASI (Additional Skill Identifier).

Entrance Information

Contact your unit commander for information on how to attend this specialized school. Applicants must also meet the following conditions:

  • Applicants must meet height and weight standards outlined in IAW AR 600-9.
  • Applicants must have one year service remaining on active duty upon completion of the course.
  • All applicants must complete a 12-mile foot march within 90 days of the class start date and a an obstacle course within 60 days of the start date. An equipment inspection must be completed by the home unit 30 days prior to the class start date.

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