Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dental Specialist (68E)

The dental specialist is primarily responsible for assisting Army dentists in the examination and treatment of patients, as well as helping to manage dental offices.

Job Duties

  • Prepare dental operatory; select and arrange instruments; measure and record temperature, blood pressure and pulse, and assist dentist during patient exams
  • Assist with administration of anesthesia, and in placement and removal of sutures
  • Prepare restorative and impression materials
  • Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and operate resuscitative equipment


Job training for a dental specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 8 weeks of Advanced Individual Training, including practicing dental care tasks. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and part in the field.

Some of the skills you'€™ll learn are:
  • Preventive dentistry
  • Dental office procedures
  • Radiology (X-ray) techniques
  • Dental hygiene procedures

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