Thursday, October 15, 2015

Unmanned aircraft: New kid on block flexing muscle

"It's a tactical capability working at a strategic distance."

That's what Army Col. Courtney Cote told a gaggle of mostly aviation and aerospace media Tuesday at the Association of the U.S. Army Annual Meeting and Exposition. He was talking about unmanned aerial systems -- the new player on the battlefield that, Cote asserts, is here to stay.

Assigned as the program manager for all Army unmanned aircraft, the colonel exudes an enthusiasm for the capability's potential, and a realist's view of the questions and challenges that must be addressed.

The bottom line is "the Army's interest in increasing our lethality," Cote said, but he acknowledges that the real bottom line -- the defense budget -- will drive the train.

But when asked by a reporter for his view of the future, including his "wish list," he did not hesitate.

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