Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Spending time with newborns important, Soldiers say

 It's important for mothers and fathers to have time to bond with their infants following birth, said Sgt. Rachel Badgeley and Staff Sgt. Jose Ibarra, who are stationed on Fort Meade, Maryland, and are parents of newborns.

Both said they were very pleased with the Department of Defense policy change that lengthens the time Soldiers can stay with their newborns.


Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the following changes Jan. 28:

- Full-paid maternity leave to be extended from six weeks to 12 continuous weeks of leave DOD-wide.

- DOD will "seek legislation to expand full-paid paternity leave from 10 days to 14 non-continuous" days of leave, DOD-wide.

So far, the only published policy is a DOD fact sheet, according to an Office of the Secretary of Defense spokesperson.


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