Friday, July 15, 2016

Muhammad Ali visited, boxed with, 2ID troops on Camp Casey in 1976

When three-time world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali died last month at age 74, admirers the world over looked back on the career of "The Greatest" and some of his most memorable fights.

There was his 1964 upset victory over Sonny Liston, giving him his first heavyweight title; later, The Fight of the Century, The Rumble in the Jungle, The Thrilla in Manila. But for Soldiers who were stationed here in Warrior Country 40 years ago, news of Ali's death may well have stirred anew their memories of an event that over the years has been all but forgotten: Ali's visit with the Soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division on Camp Casey in Dongducheon on Sunday, June 29, 1976. Ali was 34.

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