Monday, November 25, 2013

Best Warrior winners credit success to family, command, hard work

Best Warrior winners credit success to family, command, hard work

The winners of the Army's 2013 Best Warrior Competition credit their success in the intense challenge to hard work and the support from their command and family. Sgt. 1st Class Jason Manella of Fremont, Calif., with the Army Reserve Command, won Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year. Spc. Adam Christensen of Las Vegas, Nev., with U.S. Army Pacific Command, was named Soldier of the Year. "All I am is just a reflection of what I've learned from the Soldiers before me," said Manella, a civil affairs specialist, currently serving in B Company, 445th Civil Affairs Battalion, in Mountain View, Calif.  Christensen, a military policeman with the 472nd Military Police Company, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, said teamwork and camaraderie come natural to Soldiers, and were evident at Best Warrior. "You work so hard before the competition, and during Best Warrior you're helping your competition," he said.
The Best Warrior Competition brought together 24 of the Army's finest warriors for three days of challenges at Fort Lee, Va. The events included tests of Army aptitude, a physical fitness test, a board appearance, warrior tasks and battle drills. Read the rest of the story on the site below.

Retrieved 25 Nov 2013

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