Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Duke logs 20 years as citizen-solder, still loves it

Meet Sergeant First Class Thaddeus Duke, a family man serving in the 348th Engineering Company in Belton.

Duke has been serving as a citizen-soldier for about 20 years and it is still a job he enjoys. In the morning, he walks into the 348th facility in Belton and puts on many hats, as the motor-pool sergeant and the headquarters platoon sergeant.

He manages personnel, physical
fitness, supplies, a medical staff, weapons systems, construction equipment, communications systems, and wheeled vehicles.

Duke said he is excited about the new unique equipment assigned to the 348th such as the Husky and
Buffalo, 5-ton mine interrogating vehicles used by some Army engineering companies.

Being the supervisor, Duke enjoys staying technically and tacti
cally proficient. He is an expert in the mechanical field and has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University, which has served him well in his career.

Duke plans to continue his career and education by pursuing a graduate degree utilizing his Army
Reserve education benefits.

Learning new skills can take his reserve career all over the world.

But this Belton soldier has already served in many places throughout his career: Fort Eustis, Va.; Fort Sheridan, Ill.; Fort Hunter
Liggett, Calif.; a tour in Tal Afar, Iraq (2009 to 2010) serving with the 88th Military Police Company; and his current post with 348th Engineering Company in Belton

He is particularly fond of his assignment with the 348th as it has
been able to offer him unique, "high-speed" training opportunities such as jumping out of a moving helicopter last summer during Annual Training and setting off demolitions and C4 explosives at Fort Riley (Kan.) range exercises.

Duke loves Army life and plans to serve 10 more years as a citizen-soldier, retiring as a Sergeant Major.

"The opportunity to grow professionally, learn new skills, and mentor new soldiers," gives him job satisfaction, Duke said.

He currently has new reserve soldiers growing under his mentorship. Duke’s Army family extends to his own family of eight.

Sgt. First Class Duke, and his wife, Christina Duke, another citi
zen-soldier, have five children and a grandson.

Sgt. Christina Duke is currently serving with the 418th Civil Affairs Unit as a Human Resources Specialist while managing her own business; Strong Beginnings Family Child Care Inc., a 24-hour family child care center in Belton.

Thanks for meeting local Belton citizen-soldier Sgt. First Class Duke – still serving the community and his country with pride.

Army Strong!

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