Thursday, December 19, 2013

Soldier fights for spinal muscular atrophy cure

Capt. Shannon Terry and her husband, Randall, started to notice some irregularities in their beautiful baby girl Reagan just a few months after her birth. Like most new parents, they were looking for the milestones of development. Reagan, however, had trouble eating and difficulty gaining weight, was unable to hold her head or move her limbs, and overall appeared fragile for her age. After a series of tests, the parents' worst nightmare was confirmed when they were brought into a small room with four doctors and a social worker. Reagan had been diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 1. "I knew it was bad news," Terry said. "When you find out that you have a daughter that is diagnosed terminally ill by the medical community, you go through different stages of grief. Initially for the first couple of days, in my mind, she had already died. After about three days of grieving, I got mad, and I realized that they are not going to take away my opportunity to fight for her." Terry said her initial reaction was the same as any mother's. Then her Army training kicked in. Read the rest of the story on the site below.

Written by SGT Susan Wohle
Retrieved on 19 Dec 2013

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