Thursday, September 11, 2014

Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance 11 September 2014

"Like the great wall and bedrock that embrace us today, nothing can ever break us. Nothing can change who we are as Americans."

-President Barack Obama, 15 May 2014, at the National September 11 Memorial Museum

Thirteen years have passed since we endured the worst terrorist attack in our Nation's history. And in that time, America has transcended the tragic images and fearful memories of that day. We have forged a new narrative of resolve and resilience. That recovery, in very large part, has been made possible thanks to the drive, determination and willing sacrifices of America's Soldiers, Civilians and Families.

Like America itself, our Army's spirit and dedication have remained indomitable over these past 13 years of near-continuous war. The strength and integrity of our Soldiers, Civilians and Families are a powerful example of the values we hold and the virtues to which we aspire.

On this observance of Patriot Day 2014, we ask that each of you continue to honor the legacy of the victims who lost their lives that day. We also ask that you continue in your unwavering support for our Soldiers, Veterans, Families and Civilians who help keep America safe and secure. Army Strong!


- Raymond F. Chandler, Sergeant Major of the Army
- Raymond T. Odierno, General, United States Army Chief of Staff
- John M. McHugh, Secretary of the Army

 By U.S. Army Military District of Washington Public Affairs

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