Monday, September 15, 2014

U.S. paratroopers, Polish hosts remember 9/11 with friendly soccer match

DRAWSKO POMORSKIE, Poland (Sept. 12, 2014) -- The 173rd Airborne Brigade squared off against a team of local players in a friendly match before hundreds of local residents and American Soldiers at the Walerina Pytla City Stadium here, yesterday.

Drawsko Pomorskie Mayor Zbigniew Ptak chose to host a soccer game on the thirteenth anniversary of 9/11 to remember those who lost their lives that day, as well as the Polish and American service members who have since lost their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"On Sept. 11, 2001, when the United States was attacked on that tragic day the Polish people felt your pain," said Mayor Ptak. "During those attacks, the Polish people also died. We will always stand by you and today we make that bond even stronger."

These two nations have come together during Operation Atlantic Resolve, where the 173rd Airborne Brigade has maintained a company deployed forward here since April, to reassure the United States' NATO allies, and to build interoperability with 173rd Airborne Brigade's host and sister brigade, the 6th Polish Airborne Brigade. They are also joined in Poland by a company from the Royal Canadian Regiment for combined training.

"Today, we remember those men, women and children lost in the attacks of September 11th, and we honor the Polish and American service members who have given their lives in Afghanistan and in Iraq," said Capt. Matthew McCarthy, a Deerfield, Illinois, native, and commander of Company D, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, in remarks to the crowd before the game. "This day, September 11th, will always be an important day to Americans and our allies."

Good defense and passes made it a close game, but the Poles finally scored in the 29th minute. By halftime, the Polish were winning three to zero. The city of Drawsko Pomorskie presented a half time show featuring the Mlodziezowa Youth Brass Band and a demonstration by a local karate school.

The second half stared slow, but with a spark of enthusiasm the American side scored four unanswered goals. Despite this rally, the Poles prevailed seven to four.

"Being the guest, we let them win," joked Sgt. Torbin Reedstrom, a Cary, North Carolina, native and section leader in Company D, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade. He also served as captain of the U.S. team.

"By losing, we really won," he said with a smile.

 By Capt. Fernando Ochoa


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