Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Brooke Army Medical Center performs first robot-aided pediatric surgery

A 2-year-old boy has a shot at a better quality of life, thanks to a robot and a few skilled surgeons.

Doctors here performed surgery on Jose Collado Jr., son of Maj. Jose Collado and his wife Alma, last month to remove a large cystic mass from behind his bladder. The procedure marks Brooke Army Medical Center's, or BAMC's, first robot-assisted pediatric surgery.

"The surgery was very successful," said Lt. Col. (Dr.) Thomas Novak, BAMC's chief of pediatric urology. "We were incredibly pleased at the outcome and at the impact we made on Jose's future quality of life."

The Collados first brought their infant son to Brooke Army Medical Center two years ago, hoping to pave a better future for Jose.

Jose had been diagnosed shortly after birth with Polymicrogyria, a rare malformation of the human brain that can cause problems with eyesight, seizures and developmental and motor delays. Along with these issues, which include legal blindness, Jose also had a cystic mass behind his bladder.

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