Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Future Army nanosatellites to empower Soldiers

One Army project is making the future of satellite communications more responsive to Soldiers' needs.

The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command's Nanosatellite Program, or SNaP, will be a small satellite communications, or SATCOM, constellation. This will allow communication across great distances using existing UHF tactical radios.

"SNaP is a technology demonstration with the goal of showing the military utility nanosatellites can provide to the disadvantaged user," said Thomas E. Webber, director, SMDC Technical Center Space and Strategic Systems Directorate. "The primary uses are beyond line of sight communications and data exfiltration. SNaP is a natural fit for the command since we are the Army proponent for space and also the SATCOM provider."

The command is engaged in organizing, manning, equipping and training space forces for the Army. The Army is the largest user of space and space-based capabilities.


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