Thursday, February 27, 2014

"I'm Thinking About Joining The Army"


"I'm Thinking About Joining The Army."

Upon hearing someone say these words to you, an avalanche of thoughts and emotions probably all hit you at once. Imagining Army life can cause a mix of fear, confusion, joy, pride, concern and maybe even a little bit of excitement combine and form one big knot. It’s okay. You’re not the only one who’s felt this way.

The Army knows that the decision to join its ranks is not a solo one. It requires the support and encouragement of a soldier’s best friend, companion and most-valued advisor. In short, it requires you and the entire extended family. Everything the soldier goes through, you go through, and don’t think that’s not noticed. The strength of our soldiers comes from the strength of their families. You need to know that you’re just as valuable as the soldier. To express that, the Army makes a special effort to bring together, and make available at every Post, a large number of resources and benefits.

You’re probably wondering what exactly that means. There might even be a flurry of questions that come to mind—questions that you need answered to enable you to support this decision. That’s perfectly understandable. You want to know what will change for you and your family once you become a military family and live the Army life. Where will you eat, sleep, shop and spend quality family time? How hard will it be to make new friends? Will you be moving every six weeks?

The Army would like to answer as many of these questions as possible right here and now, to help you embrace the idea of joining your family with our family.

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