Thursday, February 13, 2014

Meet Army Olympic Athlete Sergeant Justin Olsen

Olympic Gold Medalist SGT Justin Olsen has accomplished almost everything one man can in a bobsled, yet he yearns to earn back his spot aboard USA-1 for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games – and win more medals. He teamed with former WCAP driver Steven Holcomb, Curtis Tomasevicz and Steve Mesler to strike gold at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. He also helped Holcomb’s four-man squad secure gold at the 2012 World Championships in Lake Placid, N.Y. Since then, injuries and lost recovery time have knocked Olsen out of Team USA’s No. 1 sled. He is determined to work his way back.


The most memorable moment for me was winning the gold medal at the last Olympics. Coming across the finish line and seeing that we were in first place still, and our friends and families were going absolutely crazy, was amazing. I will never forget getting out of the sled and putting my arms around my three teammates, saying: ‘We did it boys! We won it all!’”!__sochi/olsen


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