Thursday, April 30, 2015

Army looks at credentialing Soldiers for jobs

While the Army does a great job of training Soldiers for the battlefield, it needs to do a better job of getting members credentialed for the civilian marketplace, Maj. Gen. Rex A. Spitler said.

There are "great opportunities" for the Army in this area, said Spitler, deputy chief of staff, Army Training and Doctrine Command, also known as TRADOC.

Spitler, a keynote speaker at the American Legion National Credentialing Summit here, April 28, said it is a large-scale effort for his command since 500,000 people go through TRADOC schools each year.

The Army trains its members to engage in the complex world, where the next battle is "unknown and unknowable," he said. "We're not quite sure what we're going to see when we go into that next battle."

Under such circumstances, the Army requires a highly-trained force and depends on Soldiers to be able to think innovatively and be able to survive and thrive in chaos, Spitler said.

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