Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Army commercial reintroduces America to the institution

 "They didn't join this team to win championships, or become famous, or get their own signature shoes," the Army's new commercial starts out.

"They joined because there is important work to be done, and only some able to do it," the 60-second spot, launched April 27, states.

The commercial is part of efforts to reposition the Army brand, dispel myths, and have the American people better understand and value the institution, said Mark S. Davis, deputy assistant secretary of the Army for marketing.

The Army is using the #ArmyTeam hashtag to promote the new marketing campaign on social media. The efforts are to reintroduce the American public to the Army and showcase the strength, versatility and professionalism of the force, he said.

"This is an extraordinarily great institution that does so many different things to make people's lives better, to make America better, and to make the world better," Davis said.

The commercial, Davis said, showcases that the Army has the "greatest set of capabilities and competencies of any institution on this planet."


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