Thursday, August 20, 2015

New parent support program helps Army Families navigate trials of parenthood

 Most parents, young or old, new or experienced, recall them with a haze of exhaustion-induced nostalgia: the precious days, weeks and months after they brought home that fragile, squalling, mysterious being known as a newborn.

But in between the snuggles and the tiny fingers and the magic of first smiles, there are countless diaper changes and endless nights, unending crying jags and rivers of body fluids. There's love and helplessness, euphoria and anxiety (and sometimes crushing depression).

For every parent who bonds effortlessly, there's one who struggles. For every infant who settles into an easy routine, there's one who has colic or reflux or something much, much worse. And in those dark, lonely hours of the night, in between frantic Internet searches asking "is this normal?" many mothers and fathers would give anything to have someone to turn to, someone to tell them "Yes, your baby is normal. Your baby is healthy. You can do this."

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