Friday, August 14, 2015

So far 63 percent of Soldiers surveyed like 'Ike' jacket

Preliminary results show that a majority of Soldiers want a chance to wear the Ike jacket for dress and black socks for physical training, but a survey on proposed uniform changes has been extended until Aug. 31.

Last month, 120,000 active-duty, Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers were offered the opportunity to opine, online, regarding new uniform options.

While 10 percent of those who were offered the opportunity to participate logged in and voiced their opinion, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey wants a more "robust response" from Soldiers before making any further recommendations.

"It's a healthy survey sample, but I'd like to be sure it's what most Soldiers want before we move forward," Dailey said. He directed the survey period be extended for an additional two weeks.

Approximately 120,000 Soldiers were initially offered the option to voice their opinion on the uniform survey. A second email was sent Aug. 10 to those same Soldiers offering additional time to participate in the survey if they have not already voted.

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