Monday, August 17, 2015

Troops sharpen skills during leaders course

U.S. Soldiers discover enemy troops planting improvised explosive devices on the road to a weapons of mass destruction site.

Muzzle flashes pierce the summer air as artillery rounds whistle into the hillside.

When the smoke clears, two enemy troops are down and a third is taken captive. The U.S. troops check the area for explosive devices and assess the situation. As the Soldiers start to get their bearings, gunfire breaks out again.

Soldiers from the 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives, or CBRNE, Command took the fight to mock enemy forces during an exercise and many other challenging training scenarios at the second iteration of the CBRNE Leaders Course at Gunpowder Range, Maryland, Aug. 3-13.

Command Sgt. Maj. Harold E. Dunn IV, the 20th CBRNE Command senior enlisted leader, said the course molds sergeants through 1st lieutenants into tactically- and technically-proficient leaders, who can succeed on the modern battlefield.

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