Friday, May 8, 2015

MWR to bring additional obstacle-course races to troops

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FORT CARSON, Colo. (May 5, 2015) -- Fort Carson recently became the model for the Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation's, or MWR's, partnership with Reebok Spartan Races.

"The Mountain Post" played host to its fourth-annual Reebok Spartan Colorado Sprint, a 4.8-mile footrace that featured 22 obstacles, such as barbed wire crawl, bucket carry, monkey net, water pit, rope climb, slippery wall and fire jump, among various other adversities surrounding "Agony Hill."

The success of the Carson-based races convinced Army MWR to partner with Spartan to bring more of the ultra-challenging obstacle-course races to installations throughout the world. The revenue generated by Spartan's use of military venues benefits MWR programs for Soldiers and their Families.

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