Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Soldiers participate during Flags In at Arlington Cemetery

 After a long, unseasonably cold and wet day of conducting burial services, about 1,000 Old Guard Soldiers made their way across the soggy hills and flats that make up Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, to place miniature flags in front of each grave marker, May 21.

Since 1948, the Soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, have conducted the tradition of Flags In a few days before Memorial Day to honor and remember those who served in the Armed Forces and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

The Flags In mission was expected to take about four hours, from 4 to 8 p.m., or as one Soldier said, for "as long as it takes" to place the 228,000 red, white and blue miniatures around the 624-acre cemetery.


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