Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Relative of WWI MOH Recipient Sgt. Alvin York Enlists

He grew up hearing stories, watching movies and reading books about Sgt. Alvin Cullum York - one of the most decorated American Soldiers of World War I. York received the Medal of Honor for leading an attack on a German machine gun nest, taking 32 machine guns, killing 20 German Soldiers, and capturing 132 others, leading to the surrender of opposing German forces at the Hindenburg line in 1918.

"We have some movies and books about his life, and I've read and watched them more times than I can count," said Mackensie York, a fourth generation cousin of Sgt. York. "It's kind of exciting to watch the movies, especially now that I'm becoming a part of something I've wanted to be a part of all my life -- protecting and serving my country."

On April 22, the 19-year-old took the first step toward carrying on his rich family history. He raised his right hand at the Nashville MEPS and swore to support and defend the U.S. Constitution by enlisting in the Army Reserve.

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