Monday, May 4, 2015

Service member outlines journey to Ranger school

Every day completed is another day closer to the finish … Always remember why you're doing this."

2nd Lt. Warren Galloway spoke these mantras to himself when going through the U.S. Army Ranger School. Like most students' experiences, Galloway's Ranger School journey was mentally long and challenging.


Galloway was commissioned at Truman State University and wanted to become an infantryman. Instead, the Army made him a field artillery officer. After Galloway completed the Officer Basic Course on Fort Sill, Oklahoma, he arrived to 2-77 Field Artillery Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division on Fort Carson, Colorado. He wanted to deploy to Afghanistan to join the rest of his unit, but he missed the cut by 72 hours in July 2014. That is when he told his battery commander, "I want to go to Ranger School."

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