Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lenny Kravitz honors uncle, Medal of Honor recipient

Music artist Lenny Kravitz paused today to reflect on the life and legacy of his uncle and namesake, Pfc. Leonard Kravitz, who received the Medal of Honor posthumously from President Barack Obama, today.

"He's a hero," said Kravitz during an interview in Arlington, Va., before heading to the White House for the ceremony.

Pfc. Kravitz was 20 years old when he was killed in Yangpyong, Korea, in 1951.

He was among 24 Soldiers of Jewish, Hispanic, and African-American heritage who received the Medal of Honor, for valor in the Vietnam War, Korean War, and World War II.

"It's a wonderful thing to be here today to be a part of this and to see him get his honor," said the actor and Grammy-winning Kravitz. "It's part of who I am. I am Leonard Kravitz."

Pfc. Kravitz, who was Jewish, is recognized for his actions March 6-7, 1951. He voluntarily remained at a machine-gun position to provide suppressive fire for retreating troops after his unit was overrun by enemy combatants.

He did not survive, but his actions are credited with saving the entire platoon.

"Just to know that he died that way, he made the choice to stay and to deal with the situation. As sad as it is, it was a beautiful action, and the fact that he is now going to get this honor just makes it end properly," said Kravitz.

"He's getting his due. He's a hero and that's what he wanted to do," Kravitz said.
Read the rest of the story on the site below.
Written by  Lisa Ferdinando
Retrieved 19 March 2014

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