Friday, March 7, 2014

New network technologies to support expeditionary signal battalions

In preparation for the Army's Network Integration Evaluation, or NIE, 14.2 this spring, the 86th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, or ESB, is training with new tactical communications equipment that is smaller in size for easy transport, yet significantly increases capability. "These new network technologies will increase our readiness and agility," said Lt. Col. Keith Dawson, commander of the 86th ESB, which will be evaluating the equipment at NIE 14.2 in May. "They will enable us to deploy in smaller teams instead of deploying as an entire battalion like we did in the past." ESBs are modular in nature and primarily support other units that don't have their own communications equipment. As the Army continues to evolve its force structure while becoming a leaner and more expeditionary force, it is looking to increase the capability and versatility of these units. Upgrades and new technologies fielded by the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical, or WIN-T, program, the Army's tactical communications network backbone, are filling these requirements. In line with the 86th ESB's motto, "The first voice heard," the unit is the first to be fielded with some of the new technologies.

Read the rest of the story on this link:

Retrieved on 7 March 2014
Written By Amy Walker, PEO C3T

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