Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Soldiers receive long-overdue Medals of Honor

Twenty-four U.S. Army veterans from three wars -- World War II, Korea and Vietnam -- received upgrades to the highest military decoration for uncommon bravery and gallantry at a White House ceremony Tuesday.

President Barack Obama presented posthumous Medals of Honor to family members and representatives of 21 of those Soldiers, and draped the sky-blue ribbon and five-pointed star-bearing medals around the necks of the three living veterans from the Vietnam War.

Each of the 24 had received a Distinguished Service Cross for the same fearless actions for which they were now receiving long overdue upgrades to the Medal of Honor.

"This ceremony is 70 years in the making and today, we have the chance to set the record straight," he said, noting that more than a decade ago Congress mandated a review to ensure heroism of veterans wasn't overlooked due to prejudice or discrimination. During that review, the 24 Soldiers -- Hispanic, Jewish and African American -- were identified as deserving of the Medal of Honor.
Written by By J.D. Leipold
Retrieved on 19 March 2014.

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